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I have no clue what I just played, all I know is I almost made it to the finish line haha. Really nice and weird game, I love it.

You should really try this game yourself but here's my German playthrough:

Made a video

How I adore these horror games. I like it!

i was really confused, overall fun game!

Very well done thank you very much!

(2 edits) (+1)

Me and my friends had a fun time playing on multiplayer! But who's the tall guy in the game?

what is this?

increíble juego de terror 

Like the concept, think it needs more of a story line and maybe items/items boxes to use but really cool look and feel and glad I was able to use my controller <3

Cool game. I'm sure there's a ton i missed but the concept is great.

really cool and well made game! 


i thought it was a cute cat game :(

it was until..the death..but don't worry is just a demo



At first I thought it was a well-made 64-style game and was enjoying the course as normal!
When I looked at the current lap count, it didn't count, and that's when the drive of terror began.
It was a very interesting experience, even though it made me feel very uneasy!
The balloon area and the highway area were particularly scary and exciting!

That was scary...

Nice use of Fmod, didnt know it was free for hobbyists. Was this done in C# or GDScript?

GDScript, but you do need to use the .net build to have fmod enabled :)

This game was so nice, i liked it sooooo much !! Love the Aesthetic, the ambiant and character design ! My viewers really get into it too, thanks for your nice work !!

Very Good Game

As creepy as this game is, hopping is useless due to the lack of powersliding or drift-boosting and the interstate section is not very clear as to where you're supposed to go if you end up driving the wrong way. Not to mention the timer means nothing since it does not get displayed upon beating the game and when your tires get blown out it doesn't stop meaning if you end up speed running this game it can feel like a slog.


This was one of the best creepy haunted games I've ever played! Very awesome, amazing music and sound effects, it really felt like a genuine Nintendo 64 cart! The tension raises perfectly and that ending was unexpected, BRUTAL! I recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video!


This is one of my favorite games I've played in a while! Thoughts at the end of the video.

(1 edit)


Someone made Mario Kart 64 into an ACTUAL Horror Game!

I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner. . .

I mean, Better late then Never!!

I love that there are now N64-Styled Horror Games like Shipwrecked 64, Another Princess is in our Castle(Based off of SM64), There's Harvest Festival 64[based off of Animal Forest on the N64 game that was ONLY RELEASED IN JAPAN(Aka Animal Crossing prior to the International Gamecube Release)] 

Now If only someone would make an Retraux N64-esque Legend of Zelda Inspired Indie Horror game(Majora's Mask doesn't count; that one was made by Nintendo THEMSELVES; Neither does Ben Drowned; as that's a Web Video NOT An actual Playable Horror Game)


Awesome game I loved it 😊👌

Tip my hat to you!

A phenomenal game from start to finish, faithfully captures the style of the Nintendo 64. I loved the way it gradually builds the terror around what appears to be an innocent face, especially with the game's ending. 

Well done and congratulations! :)


Fantastic short horror game! I love the cute nostalgic 64 style that slowly devolves into horror. Awesome job and can't wait to see what you make next!



Anyways i started playing and only after a few rounds i noticed that the rounds dont count then i noticed that this finish sign is off and then i noticed that you can leave the map and i was like really noticing that something is off BUT LUCKILY I closed the game (The most terrifying thing is literally the sound when you pause) and got to the comments just to find out that it was meant to be like that (please help i tought it would be a cutie patootie nostalgia game about cutiepie cats)

But still W




Good game


Great stuff! Love the atmosphere and the ending!


This game is fucking amazing. Underrated gem. a mass sense of unease through out the entire play though.


Is this game a test version?

NOPE. The game was finally finished.


Really enjoyed this take on the karting genre. Quite the surprise in this too!


"Dinoco's all mine!"


*Other cars screaming*

Trouble! Turn 3!



"Don't take me out, coach! I can still race!"


Chick: *Chuckles* Get through that McQueen!

Oh a huge crash behind the leaders!

*The audience gasps as all heck breaks loose on the track*


THIS GAME IS SO COOL! I absolutely love the style and unique elements you added! 

Now how do i play?????

Hi there! Have you tried following the steps in the message?

How old is your PC?

So i have windows 10



Say, is this game compatible with controllers?


It is


Amazing horror game experience.


W game! Loved it, need more of it!


this is definitely your secret horror game masked by innocent stuuf right?


This was really good! Loved the Mario kart style gameplay and graphics, quite retro. Made a video on it.


This game was great and I love the style so much would recommend GOOD JOB KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

This was so much fun! The n64 was my first console and there was always a horror-like feeling to playing regular games and you captured that completely! That end had me gasping! 

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